Monday, January 13, 2014

The Golden Globe Winners

Well there were lots of shocking wins at The Golden Globes last night, mainly in the TV categories than the film, but overall I was pleasantly surprised! At this point in the race the Golden Globe wins cannot predict an Oscar nomination, it can only help shift momentum towards someone else. The reason being is that Oscar nomination ballots were turned in last week, that means a winner like Amy Adams or Leonardo DiCaprio might not be nominated for an Oscar after the love they have received upon their wins at the Globes. However if Leo or Amy, just sticking with the same example, do get nominated at the Oscars their wins at the Golden Globes could help them because any major win allows them to be seen on stage with a statuette in their hands giving sentimental speeches, and that can easily shift the race.

Why does something so small as that shift the race? Well when it comes to Leonardo, who has yet to win an Oscar and notoriously gets snubbed year after year for a nomination, the reason why it matters to him was it allowed him to give a great speech. Again why does that matter? Giving a speech shows people, more importantly Academy voters,  how great it feels to reward someone and it gives a sentimental push to vote for that winner. So the same goes for the other Best Actor winner, Matthew McConaughey. He has never been nominated for major awards and to see him on stage giving a moving speech allows him to get some sentiment from voters. That too goes for Amy Adams, who has been nominated so many times for awards and had yet to win anything until last night. These moments were beautiful, and you best believe the Academy voters were definitely taking notice. It is just too bad that these wins just will not help them get an Oscar nomination, it will only help if they do. All that being said here are the list of winners for both Film and TV:


Best Picture Drama- 12 Years a Slave
Best Actor Drama- Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club
Best Actress Drama- Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
Best Picture Musical/Comedy- American Hustle
Best Actor Musical/Comedy- Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street
Best Actress Musical/Comedy- Amy Adams, American Hustle
Best Director- Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity
Best Supporting Actor- Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club
Best Supporting Actress- Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle
Best Animated Feature- Frozen
Best Foreign Lang. Film- The Great Beauty
Best Screenplay- Spike Jonze, Her
Best Original Score- All is Lost
Best Original Song-Ordinary Love, Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom


Best TV Series Drama- Breaking Bad
Best Actor Drama- Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Best Actress Drama- Robin Wright, House of Cards
Best TV Series Musical/Comedy- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Best Actor Musical/Comedy- Andy Samberg, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Best Actress Musical/Comedy- Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation
Best TV Movie/Mini Series- Behind the Candelabra
Best Actor Movie/Mini Series- Michael Douglas, Behind the Candelabra
Best Actress Movie/Mini Series- Elizabeth Moss, Top of the Lake
Best Supporting Actor in a TV Series, Movie, or Mini Series- Jon Voight, Ray Donovan
Best Supporting Actress in a TV Series, Movie, or Mini Series- Jacqueline Bisset, Dancing on the Edge

From the start it has been between three movies for Best Picture; 12 Years a Slave, Gravity, and American Hustle. The Golden Globes only reinforced that notion, but boy did they shower love on American Hustle. It was beginning to look like the American Hustle awards show, until Gravity took Best Director, and then the final award where 12 Years a Slave won. I am not sure how the Academy will choose, I feel like Alfonso Cuaron will take Best Director, but Best Picture is just up for grabs. The acting categories are all over the place, and I want to see who The Critic's Choice and SAG awards choose as their winners, which happens Thursday and Sunday, before I choose what will go down with the Academy. My personal choices are also up in the air, because I am so torn, but I will share them after Oscar nominations, also on Thursday.

Stay tuned for my Best Picture discussion coming up in the next few days, and then Oscar nominations!!!! What are your thoughts on the awards race thus far? Let me know!

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