Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My aim

It is that time of year again. Where movie goers, critics organizations, and the big league groups start aligning around movies in which they feel defines the years best in film; but with the lack of great film this year, it should not be too hard to narrow down the field of contenders. Nevertheless, people, like myself, make a big to do about who and what gets nominated and ultimately wins the big awards at the end of the year. Why? Because believe it or not, film and awarding film matters. Why it matters is a personal thing, and something I hope to share at some point.

Those of you reading, know that I love movies, but I find awarding movies more interesting. A lot goes into getting a movie noticed, nominated, and if all goes well...awarded. I spend lots of time thinking of the hows and whys some movies get recognized and others left to fall by the waste side, and as much time as I have put into those thoughts I find myself scratching my head in wonder. There are always snubs, shockers, upsets, and the obvious predictable sweeps but that is what I love. I love discussing it. I love predicting it. It is something I look forward to doing every year, and so far it has not gotten old.

My hope, however, is that whoever reads this either has that same little, for me little might be an understatement, obsession or can at least appreciate my obsession. I want you to read my thoughts. I want you to share your thoughts. I want to be able to have discussions with people about what they think is worthy to be considered the years best. It is fun and exciting, and sometimes unpredictable. That is what this blog is all about. So lets have some fun!

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